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Founding a limited liability company in Switzerland: Information, tips, checklist and more

Whether you're founding alone or with others: Why not think big right away? There are good reasons why the LLC is such a popular legal form, as it has many advantages. We'll take you to your own LLC in eight steps.

LLC foundation in Switzerland: It's easy - with us

You have big plans. Because you want to found a company. Only one decision is still pending: LLC* or not? Is this form of company right for you? If not, then what? If yes, how does it work? And how much does it cost? What requirements do you need to fulfil to set up an LLC? And how do you go about it? We will guide you step by step.

*The LLC is known as GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) or Sàrl (Société à responsabilité limitée) in Switzerland.
In this text, we refer to it as LLC.

Knowledge provides security when founding a company

When you tell people around you about your plans, you may be confronted with objections: Is an LLC really the right thing for you? Won't it be too expensive? Should you perhaps start smaller first? And can individuals even open an LLC? These are all questions you've probably already asked yourself.

Founding your LLC step by step

What you need are not doubts, but facts. Sound information that you can rely on. We give you exactly the answers you need to move forward. And we'll show you in eight steps how you can work with us to set up your LLC in Switzerland. We'll even provide you with a practical checklist. So nothing can go wrong with your LLC formation.

LLC or not? What speaks in favour of founding an LLC

The abbreviation ‘LLC’ stands for ‘Limited Liability Company’, and this is the first major advantage of this legal form. This is because the LLC limits your personal liability to the company's assets.

This means that opening an LLC offers several advantages:

  • More security
  • More opportunities
  • Less risk

Around 130,000 companies in Switzerland see it that way - the LLC is one of the most popular legal forms in Switzerland. It is particularly suitable for SMEs and family businesses, but also for larger companies and one-person LLCs.

They all benefit from the other advantages of this legal form:

  • The LLC is also internationally recognised beyond Swiss borders and inspires confidence in your potential customers.
  • The legal form of an LLC stands for a serious corporate claim and gives your company a more professional image to the outside world.
  • You don't have to work in your LLC yourself, but can also delegate the management.

Sole proprietorship or one-person LLC?

A sole proprietorship is always linked exclusively to you as an individual. Partnerships are not possible here.

LLCs are different: you can found an LLC either together with partners or individually. The prerequisite for founding an LLC is a single natural or legal person. And even if you initially found an LLC as a one-person company, it is no problem at all to bring other partners on board later.

One of the main advantages for founders of an LLC concerns liability: while you have unlimited personal liability with a sole proprietorship, with an LLC this is limited to the company's assets. There are also differences in terms of accounting requirements and tax returns.

GmbH Gründen Schweiz

FAQ ‘Founding an LLC’: You ask, Foundera answers

Questions about the legal form of LLC

What exactly is an LLC?

The abbreviation ‘LLC’ stands for limited liability company. Formally, an LLC is a hybrid of a Ltd. and a general partnership. The commercial company is considered a legal entity before the law and therefore has its own rights and obligations.

What does ‘limited liability’ mean?

This means that your private assets are protected from the liability risk. You are therefore not personally liable, but only with the company's assets.

Do all business partners of the LLC need to be resident in Switzerland?

Although the person entrusted with the management of the company does not necessarily have to be resident in Switzerland, the company must be represented by at least one person resident in Switzerland in order to be able to found an LLC.

What does it cost to found an LLC in Switzerland?

How do you go about founding an LLC? What do you need to open an LLC in Switzerland? What costs are involved in setting up an LLC? How much start-up capital do you need? Here you will find answers and the process of founding an LLC.

The nominal capital for founding an LLC

First of all, you need the legally prescribed minimum share capital of CHF 20,000. This is the nominal capital, which is there to fulfil the claims of potential creditors. It does not necessarily have to be raised in the form of cash contributions - alternatively, contributions in kind such as real estate or machinery are also possible. This means you could found an LLC without cash.

Further costs when founding an LLC in Switzerland

In addition, there are further costs when founding an LLC, such as

  • Notary fees (between CHF 500 and CHF 2,000),
  • Consultancy fees,
  • the fee for entry in the commercial register (CHF 600 to 800),
  • costs for the capital contribution account,
  • the certification of signatures and
  • in the case of a non-cash contribution, the non-cash contribution audit.

If the starting capital is over CHF 1,000,000, there is also the issue tax. This amounts to 1% of the nominal capital.

Foundera tip: Advice and support when founding an LLC

We recommend founding an LLC together with Foundera as a strong and experienced partner. With us, this costs CHF 699 excl. VAT (founding a LLC with a cash contribution) or from CHF 1,199 excl. VAT (founding a LLC with a contribution in kind) including advice, a notary for founding the LLC, checking the entry in the commercial register and semi-annual check-ins on business development during the first two years. In other words: We take care of everything, and you save money in the process.

What if several people found a Swiss LLC together?

The initial capital, which must amount to at least CHF 20,000, is divided into ordinary shares with a nominal value of at least CHF 100. Each owner of the LLC must hold at least one share in the total capital in order to be entitled to profits.

The LLC is obliged to keep a list of the beneficial owners of the shares and the amount of each share. This list can be viewed in the commercial register.

GmbH Gründen CH

Can I found an LLC online?

With Foundera, founding your LLC online is very straightforward. It starts with the foundation form, which you fill out and on the basis of which we conduct a free foundation meeting with you.

You can also confirm and pay for our customised offer with just a few clicks. We will then compile the complete foundation documents for you and send them to you by post for you to sign. As soon as we have received them back, we will forward the documents to our notary for public notarisation. The notary will then register the company in the commercial register.

As you can see, almost everything works online or by post.

Foundera is there for you when it comes to founding your LLC

We specialise in providing optimal support for founders of LLCs in Switzerland. We know the laws, the processes, the responsibilities, the conditions, the advantages and disadvantages of the different legal forms and much more.

And we know that entrepreneurs have thousands of questions during this phase, which we are of course happy to answer competently. What else do the companies that we have supported during the start-up phase appreciate about us? Above all, the following four plus points:


You get to your goal without any detours: We make the formation of your LLC as easy as possible. We ensure this with our experience, our knowledge and our services.


As the founder of an LLC, you will have a contact person with a lot of experience in self-employment who will guide you through the entire process. This creates a relationship of trust and a genuine partnership. 


Our fixed consultation fee gives you financial security. The costs for the notary's office are already included. You also save a lot of time and effort.


Our advice begins with a review of the company name and continues with comprehensive information on the rights and obligations of entrepreneurship through to accounting, finance, insurance and more.


Regardless of whether you want to raise the nominal capital as a cash contribution or a contribution in kind when founding your LLC - we are experienced in both variants and can support you in either case.

Questions about the formation of an LLC

Can I found an LLC online?

With Foundera, founding your LLC is very straightforward. Almost everything works purely online - only the documents that you have to sign and send back are sent by post.

What is the minimum amount of capital I need to found an LLC?

To found an LLC in Switzerland, you need nominal capital of at least CHF 20,000. You can raise this as a cash contribution or as a contribution in kind.

What does ‘contribution in kind’ mean?

You can also raise the founding capital of at least CHF 20,000 in the form of contributions in kind. This includes real estate or machinery, for example. As you can see, you can also found an LLC without cash.

Background knowledge: The executive bodies of the LLC

As already mentioned, an LLC is a limited liability company. You can open it alone or together with others. The formation requires the deposit of nominal capital of at least CHF 20,000.

So far, so good. But what about the so-called ‘organs of the LLC’? What is the role of the shareholders' meeting and what is the role of the management? And does your LLC need an auditor?

When we accompany your formation, we discuss all these details with you. We take the time to organise your company sensibly and put it on a stable foundation. Here are a few important facts at a glance:

The shareholders' meeting

The most important body of the LLC is the shareholders' meeting. It

  • determines the articles of association,
  • approves the annual report,
  • appoints the management and
  • determines how the profits or losses generated by the company are to be utilised.

If you have founded a one-person LLC, the company meeting consists only of yourself. You then make all decisions alone and are responsible for everything.

The management

As a rule, all shareholders form the management together. However, it is also possible to entrust a third party who is not a shareholder with this task. Any natural person over the age of 18 can take over the management of the company. Although residence in Switzerland is not mandatory, every Swiss LLC must be able to be represented by a person who is resident in Switzerland.

The auditors

The task of the auditors is to check the company's accounts. It is an independent, certified body that is responsible for the accuracy of the accounts and prepares a corresponding report for the company meeting.

Companies - including limited liability companies - are subject to auditing, but only on condition that they employ more than ten full-time employees on an annual average. Apprentices are not counted here. In addition, thresholds apply with regard to the balance sheet total and sales revenue.

Micro-enterprises do not need their own auditors, but are audited by an external auditor. Newly founded companies usually do not need an auditor because they do not reach the number of employees and the thresholds.

Ordinary or limited audit?

Whether a company is obliged to have an ordinary audit does not depend on its legal form, but on its economic significance. For you, this means that your company is only subject to this obligation if it reaches two of these three thresholds in two consecutive financial years:

  • Balance sheet total: at least CHF 20 million
  • Turnover: at least CHF 40 million
  • Full-time equivalents: at least 250

The company then needs its own auditors and an internal control system.

If the values are lower, your company is subject to the limited audit, which is less detailed. Under the Swiss Code of Obligations, small companies with fewer than 10 full-time employees can even dispense with the limited audit (opting out).

GmbH Gruenden

Your LLC needs a name - which ones are allowed?

You are largely free to choose a name for your LLC, similar to the formation of a Ltd. However, the addition ‘LLC’ or ‘Limited Liability Company’ must be included. The only restriction is that the name must not be misleading or offensive. For example, it would be misleading if you are a cabinetmaker, but the company name says ‘butcher's shop’. There must also be no risk of confusion with a competitor's company. This aspect is also part of the advice provided by Foundera's start-up experts.

Let's assume, for example, that you are opening a carpentry business and your name is Müller. If you were to found a sole proprietorship, your surname would have to be included in the company name - for example, Carpentry Müller. Of course, this is also possible with a limited liability company: you could simply call it Müller LLC or Carpentry Müller LLC.

You also have many other options with an LLC. For example, you can choose a fantasy name such as CarpentryM LLC or Build a Table LLC. Foreign languages are also possible - such as Wooden Wonders LLC. Or you can combine your family name with a term related to your business, such as WoodLove Müller LLC or Wood Müller LLC.

The name you finally decide on will be entered in the commercial register and can therefore be freely viewed. This also means that it is automatically protected throughout Switzerland. We therefore recommend that you take a close look at the names of your competitors. Then you can see how you can best differentiate yourself.

Important: In Switzerland, it is mandatory to use the designation "GmbH" or "Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung" when registering a limited liability company in the commercial register. It is not permissible to use terms like "LLC" or "Limited Liability Company" as they are not recognized under Swiss law. However, in the French-speaking regions of Switzerland, you can use the equivalent terms "SARL" or "Société à responsabilité limitée" instead of "GmbH" or "Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung." These terms are officially recognized and must be used accordingly, depending on the language region.

Sometimes the company name is also identical to the brand name of the products that this company manufactures. However, there is a legal difference between the company name and the brand name. For example, if you have chosen the company name Wooden Wonders LLC, this designates your joinery - the addition of LLC is mandatory. However, the brand name with which you appear externally (e.g. on your website or in the shop window) could simply be Wooden Wonders, without this addition. Important: Only your company name is protected by the entry in the commercial register. It does not protect word or figurative marks. You must have these checked and protected separately. The commercial register therefore does not guarantee that you can also use this name to advertise as a brand.

Checklist: founding an LLC in 8 steps

Founding an LLC in Switzerland has never been so easy: With this checklist for founding an LLC, we show you how to get there in eight steps with Foundera. And how we can continue to support you on your path to success afterward.

Step 1: Get informed

You can find all the important information on our planning page. From generating business ideas and information about business models to financial planning and marketing.

Step 2: Enter your start-up information and arrange a free initial consultation

Simply fill out our form - we will then offer you a free initial consultation. If you would then like to continue your start-up journey with us, we will provide you with a personalised quote based on this meeting. You will receive all the important information from us and can confirm and pay for the start-up and further advice with just a few clicks.

Step 3: Pay for the quote and confirm your details

Using another checklist, you and we will collate all the relevant information. For example, the co-founders, nominal capital, etc.

Step 4: Sign the incorporation documents

Once we have prepared your founding documents, we will send them to you so that you can sign them and send them back to us.

Step 5: Open a capital contribution account

You open a capital contribution account for your nominal capital at a bank of your choice. We can also recommend a suitable bank for you. Once you have paid in the required founding capital, the bank will confirm receipt of payment. We need the original confirmation of payment.

Step 6: Public notarisation

As soon as we have received all the documents from you, we will send them to our notary's office for notarisation. This can take up to three days. As soon as this step has been completed, the notary will send the documents to the relevant commercial register office.

Step 7: Register in the commercial register

Our notary takes care of this step. Once the documents are on their way to the commercial register office, it takes around three to fifteen days for your company to be entered in the commercial register.

Step 8: Celebrate!

We will inform you as soon as your company has been entered in the commercial register. This makes the foundation of your company official. Congratulations! If that's not a reason to celebrate!

The further prospects...

We will continue to be there for you even after your company has been founded: over the next two years, we will contact you every six months to find out how your company is doing.

Questions about founding an LLC with Foundera

How do I find a notary to found an LLC?

If you work with us and we support you in founding your company, this is one of our tasks: We take care of all the notarial tasks involved in founding your LLC (the costs for this are included in the founding price at Foundera).

How long does it take to found an LLC in Switzerland?

This can be done relatively quickly. With Foundera, you can set up an LLC in just 2-3 weeks.

What documents do I need to set up an LLC?

You don't have to worry about the necessary documents - Foundera will take care of that for you. This includes the application for entry in the commercial register and the articles of association as well as the Lex-Friedrich declaration and other documents.

What does it cost to commission Foundera to set up an LLC?

Our support costs CHF 699 excl. VAT for the opening of a cash contribution, and from CHF 1,199 excl. VAT for the formation of an LLC via a contribution in kind. This amount includes not only our advice, but also the notary fees, the examination of the entry in the commercial register and - during the first two years of business - half-yearly check-ins on business development.

Do the foundation quiz!

Do you want to know if you're ready to set up your sole proprietorship? With this check you can easily find out in 3 minutes.